Our Day

The structure of our day is flexible to reflect the spontaneity of the children as it is recognised that children develop further when given the opportunity to become deeply engaged in an activity or area of play.  This is given careful consideration by practitioners and therefore this timetable is provided as a guideline only.

We open our doors approximately 8.45am for early starters to make it easier for a steady flow into Preschool following dropping children at First School.

8.45am Early Starters Arrive

9.00am Children self- register, followed by free choice play

10.15am Group time for register and group activity

10.30am Snack time – a social occasion where children sit and eat together followed by further free choice play or outdoor play

11.30am Small group activities considering individual needs/next steps

11.50am Story Time

12.00pm Home time/lunch club

1.00pm  Lunch club ends. Free play

1.20pm  Group time for register and group activity

1.30pm  Free play using both the indoor and outdoor environment

2.40pm Small group time activity followed by a story

3.00pm Home time

3.15pm Late Finishes Home time