Clothing, Uniform & Water Bottles

We go outside for part of each session, in all but the worst weather, so please make sure your child comes to Pre-School with appropriate outdoor clothing.


Please provide a named sun hat and apply a high factor sun cream before your child comes to Pre-School.  If your child is at Pre-School all day, please provide a named bottle of sun cream so a practitioner can re-apply the cream for the afternoon session.


Please provide a hat, gloves and coat appropriate for the weather.  Please leave wellington boots for your child as we go out when it has been raining and also have a digging area.

We ask that you dress your child in comfortable clothes that do not matter as we provide many messy activities.  We do have water, painting and cooking aprons for the children but we cannot guarantee your child will stay clean!

Please ensure that they have clothing which helps develop independence with toileting. i.e. elasticated waist or buttons your child can undo. We will of course assist as necessary.

Indoor shoes/slippers are preferred for inside the setting.

Please provide a change of clothes at all times.


Pre-School uniform available from stock.  These are practical and comfortable and also foster a sense of identity and pride among the children in belonging to the Pre-School community.  This is optional.

Water Bottles

We request a named water bottle so that children have access to drinking water at all times.